Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can you believe it?

For once the weather man actually got it right. It is snowing in Bama! Since this rarely happens we could not resist bundling up for a little fun with the neighbors. Aiden did not seem to mind the cold at all. After being outside for about 10 minutes he was fast asleep. We are now settled back in to our warm and cozy house, with a pot of chili brewing about to enjoy a nice Sunday afternoon watching movies.


  1. I remember one year - and it was on my birthday - that is snowed something like 28 inches in Birmingham. Must have been around 1990. Its pretty neat seeing you guys and your house all covered in the white stuff. But what is a rarity for you is all too regular (this year, anyway) here. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit with you and wish that we could have stayed a little longer. Aiden is really something! Kate's working on the pictures we took, so we'll be sending you a set soon. We really miss the three of you!

  2. Aiden's first snow! I turned on Today this morning when I woke up and they had a reporter in Birmingham. I couldn't believe it! I love the pics and the snowman and miss you so much :-)

  3. Hey girly! The pics. are so cute and his carrier looks cozy as well. I came back to Huntsville on Wens. Talk to ya soon.

  4. Hey Amy--Little Aiden looks so sweet all bundled up--Congrats!! E-mail me at and I'll send you an invite to our blog so you can get updated on our family---come see us sometime, we'd love to meet the new little guy! Tara
