Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finally we are back

OK, I know it has been a LONG while since I have updated our family blog. After several attempts to have our personal laptop fixed we finally figured out that the motherboard had crashed and also that it would cost just as much to be repaired as it would to purchase a new one. Now we have not been living completely computer free for the last several months, we have had Adrian's work computer. The problem with that is I can not download all of my pictures; so with new computer in hand I am all set. I do not know where to begin to catch y'all up on our lives for the last several months other then to say life has been pretty good around the Colquitt house. We are just truly amazed at how fast Aiden is growing and learning everyday. Everyone always tells you to enjoy every moment because they go by so fast. I do not think you understand how true that statement is until you are actually watching them fly by.

Here are some pictures from our summer and a few from the fall.

As you can see Aiden has grown and changed so much. He is a busy little man these days and is certainly keeping mom and dad on our toes. It has been such a wonderful blessing being parents and we are so thankful for all of the joy and laughter he has brought to our lives.Now that I have a computer again I will be sure to update more often so everyone else can see how fast our moments are passing by. We will keep enjoying them and sharing them with you.